The Binromese, Book 3, A Tale of Three Kingdoms
Keena Listor, a Jindentor master healer with special knowledge, does everything in her power to warn the rulers of Vindor and Trezlandia to prepare for a pandemic but fears she is too late. The Black Death will come ashore at a Binromese port to the north within four months and, based on the information the Firsts brought from the future, will race south and east toward the people she loves. Will her vast knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses save a continent?
Dayveed, first cousin to Queen Sanna of Binrom, remembers Keena. She treated his wound when his espionage mission failed and he faced life in a Vindoran prison. Had she not stood before Galien, King of Vindor, and insisted she be allowed to treat him, he would be dead.
As the people of his country face death by the millions, Dayveed travels to the Ernaut earldom to beg for help for his country. Will the healer respond to his desperate pleas for help, or will Keena refuse because the queen’s husband, King Tiev, was instrumental in the deaths of thousands as he fought for continental control?
More info →The Vindorans, Book 2, A Tale of Three Kingdoms
Keena Listor of the Jindentors of Trezlandia is now the wife of Captain Velorian Ernaut, Captain of King Galien’s elite guards and former enemy of her people.
As she travels toward Vindor with her new family, she knows she will be hated because of the physical differences that identify her as a foreigner and because of her refusal to worship at the altar of idols, but she hopes to postpone the conflict until she is established in her new home.
Though King Galien and Crown Prince Terric honor her for her part in saving Vindorans from death by famine, she is not foolish enough to believe the king can command the hearts and minds of people whose loved ones died by Trezlandian swords.
Velorian wonders if the pressures and frustrations of living in a culture so different from her own will strain their marriage to the breaking point. Will she, as his mother fears, decide the Jindentor forests and cliffs are more suitable for raising their children and return to Trezlandia with them? Will he leave everything and go with her if she does?
More info →The Jindentors, Book 1, A Tale of Three Kingdoms
Trezlandians and traders from the neighboring countries of Vindor and Binrom call them the Invisibles or Melting Ones and believe they can turn into rocks, trees, or birds of prey. A few whisper they are descendants of time-travelers.
Keena Listor is a Jindentor master healer, a skilled archer, and a trader with a drive to visit all the continents and islands to find medicinal plants. War stymies her plans and forces her to choose between healing an enemy soldier or killing him. Her decision changes the course of her destiny.
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